Anticipating employee mobility in banking

Context & Objectives

With a new strategic plan in place, a large financial institution needed to adapt its recruitment strategy and hire and retain individuals best fit for the job.

In that respect, the HR department was facing a big question: can we better anticipate voluntary mobility to focus recruitment efforts on the right roles in the right regions?


Privacy first

Working on such a sensitive topic, we first ensured the anonymization of all employee data. Only authorized and relevant data points were used. Any data that could compromize employee privacy (e.g. name or user ID) were either taken out or replaced with randomized placeholder data.

From mobility drivers to resource allocation

In close collaboration with our client’s HR and data teams, we performed a comprehensive analysis of all the drivers leading to employee mobility. For example, we were able to (in)validate long-held hypotheses around employee retention, including the impact of commuting, types of diplomas, or peer reviews.

Our project was carried out exclusively in our client’s development environment to ease the implementation of the solution.


We developed and integrated a model that informed the HR professionals of the personnel's anticipated mobility for each department and region. 

With more well-informed recruitment insights, the financial institution could make optimal business strategy decisions according to the model‘s projections of available human resources.


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